cosmic ray structural inspection Technology

non-INVASIVE, nON-CONTACT LocatION and monitorING OF DEFECTS using natural radiation


We provide geophysical subsurface information to clients from a variety of technical backgrounds. Our novel technique is based on the measurement of a harmless form of natural radiation. The technology is able to see through many tens of metres of soil and rock, or equivalent materials, in order to identify regions of anomalous density.


Cosmic ray muons are nature’s x-rays, highly penetrating, travelling to the Earth’s surface and passing through man-made and natural structures. There are around 10,000 cosmic ray muons passing through one square metre of ground every minute; we use them to image the interior of large engineering infrastructure.

By placing cosmic ray detectors below an object, we can measure how many are absorbed as they pass through an area of interest. The Geoptic team has over thirty years combined experience applying this novel technique to a wide range of industrial problems.

Their ultra-high energies mean that cosmic ray muons pass easily through many tens to hundreds of metres, allowing the identification of defects in the largest of structures.